
Who Will Pay Your Medical Bills After a Car Accident in Kentucky?

On behalf of The Berger Firm May 1, 2019

Suffering from a physical injury after a car accident is bad enough, but it is worse when there are costly medical bills. These expenses can quickly get out of hand as you try to recover from your injuries. You may have no idea how to afford these bills on top of everything else you need to handle, such as car repairs and making up for lost income.

Thankfully, you have options for covering your medical expenses. Here is how to pay for your medical bills after a car accident in Kentucky.

Your Car Insurance Company

Kentucky is a “no-fault” state, which means standard auto insurance coverage must include Personal Injury Protection. PIP protection means your car insurance provider will cover $10,000 in any medical bills and other expenses you incur from a wreck, regardless of who is responsible. However, certain plans have benefits that exceed the basic $10,000 limit.

Suing the At-Fault Party

Signing up for PIP protection means you waive your right to sue an at-fault driver unless your injuries are serious enough. You can still sue a negligent motorist if the accident results in at least one of the following:

  • A broken bone

  • Medical expenses of at least $1,000

  • Permanent injury

  • Permanent disfigurement

  • Death

If you opt out of PIP protection in exchange for the right to sue in any circumstance regardless of thresholds, you will not receive the basic benefits of up to $10,000.

How to Get the Most Compensation

No matter whether you seek compensation from your insurance company, the other motorist or both, there are some steps you should take to ensure the amount you get is sufficient to cover your expenses:

  • Keep medical records

  • Follow doctor instructions

  • Write a journal describing your emotional suffering

  • Do not accept a low-ball settlement offer

It can be a tumultuous time after a car accident. You deserve help to receive compensation for your car accident injuries.