On behalf of The Berger Firm

Prepare for The Emotional Toll of Divorce

Divorce is a huge life change that comes with many emotions even for those who want the split to happen. Dealing with these can be almost as difficult as trying to work through the legal matter.
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On behalf of The Berger Firm

Don’t Let Prom Be a Night of Dangerous Driving

It’s prom season in the spring, and the reality is that many of the teens that are going to be driving may not make great decisions before getting behind the wheel. They’re new to driving and young enough that mistakes will happen.
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On behalf of The Berger Firm

3 Small Red Flags that Could Still Lead to Divorce

If you and your spouse have not talked about divorce yet, it’s still possible to know when it’s coming. You can watch out for red flags in your relationship that match up with experiences others have had prior to divorce.
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On behalf of The Berger Firm

Why You Want to Defend Against Your First Kentucky DUI Charge

Common misconceptions about the legal system can lead people to make problematic decisions when they find themselves in a tough position, such as facing criminal charges due to a traffic stop. Quite a few people believe that a first-time offense of any kind will receive minimal penalties if they plead guilty, provided it was not a violent crime or one that resulted in injury or death to another a person.
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On behalf of The Berger Firm


It’s a chilly time of year in Kentucky, and that means that the roads are going to be a little slicker than usual. While widely traveled highways like I-75 may not have many issues in term of slick surfaces, the back roads are a completely different situation.
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On behalf of The Berger Firm

There’s a Divorce Waiting Period for Childless Kentucky Couples

Divorce laws are different in every state, which can lead to a lot of confusion for a person who wants to end their marriage. In many states, only couples with minor children have a formal waiting period. However, Kentucky requires that any couple considering divorce undergo a separation prior to the finalization of their divorce.
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On behalf of The Berger Firm

The Financial Impact of A Broken Bone in A Car Crash

On the large and varied scale of potential injuries in a car crash, a broken bone may not seem like a very serious issue. After all, compared with a permanent spinal injury or a debilitating traumatic brain injury, a broken bone is easy to diagnose, typically straightforward to treat and possible to fully recover from with adequate medical care and rest.
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On behalf of The Berger Firm

Medical Conditions that Can Look Like Impairment to Police

Law enforcement officers have to perform basic medical evaluations during their efforts to enforce impaired driving statutes, which can lead to mistaken arrests for people with certain medical conditions. Officers will take information they have about how alcohol and other drugs affect the human body and compare that information to the behavior of drivers stopped for enforcement purposes.
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